『【輸入盤LPレコード】【新品】VA / Valerie & Her Week Of Wonders【LP2018/8/10発売】』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-2487254e6fから出品され、354の入札を集めて05月09日 23時 57分に、4,984円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は4,984円でした。福井県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
New 2018 edition. 2018 marks ten years since Finders Keepers Records first liberated Lubos Fisers immaculate soundtrack music for Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders ("Valerie A Tyden Divu") from the vaults of the Barrandov Studio in Prague. As the inaugural release of an ongoing discography of previously unreleased scores from the hugely creative "Film Miracle" that occurred during and after the Czech New Wave (CNW), this score will always retain a special place in the heart of the label. Having grown in status from an obscure and misunderstood socialist-era art house oddity, via the hands of risque foreign fluff merchants, to finally find its rightful audience as a bona fide surrealist cinematic masterpiece of world class standards, this 1970 film adaptation of Vitezslav Nezvals 1935 avant-garde novella - a film that literally cross-pollinated Max Ernsts A Week Of Kindness (1934) and Lewis Carols Alice In Wonderland (1865) - has garnered widespread critical acclaim. Inspiring ongoing generations of visual artists, musicians, writers, and filmmakers, Valerie continues to impregnate their daily artistic referential fabric. Commonly considered to be the swansong of the CNW, following a huge paranoia-fueled government film cull in 1969, owing to the fact it is last government approved feature film of the post-Prague Spring era to combine the efforts of controversial filmmakers from the FAMU (Filmova A Televizni Fakulta Akademie Muzickych Umeni) film school, Valerie would also be the first of an exciting and essential new fertile strain of Czech made cinema fantastic. Successfully condensing the final drops of CNW lifeblood through a series of presumed apolitical scary/fairy tales, directors like Jaromil Jires and Juraj Herz used surrealism, traditionalism, and fantasy to rejuvenate the creative energy of apathetic filmmakers evading government scrutiny via creatively coded artistic alleg0ries. By strategically choosing to adapt a pre-war surrealist melodrama written by a communist convert author called Vitezslav Nezval and based in a non-specific traditional era, the previously censored filmmaker Jaromil Jires was able to craft what many consider his finest filmic hour and what would later become his most universally received achievement. Jires managed to unintentionally establish a new genre format that was both stylistically and sonically tuned to the trends of the impending decade. Remastered from the original studio tapes with updated liner notes. This new edition is available in two sleeve designs, both based on the original theatrical posters.こちらの商品は輸入盤のため、稀にジャケットに多少のスレや角にシワがある場合がございます。こちらの商品はネコポスでお届けできません。2018/8/10発売輸入盤レーベル:FINDERS KEEPERS収録曲:
【未使用】SABONサボン デッドシーマスク(洗い流すマスク) 125ml
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アイナ・ジ・エンド 幻友 会場限定 ホテルキーホルダーセット
〖動作確認済〗 Konica BIGMINI NEO-R パノラマ
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ウェイリー版 源氏物語 2
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羽生結弦 Echoes of Life ストーリーブック
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ミカノ ロングエアリーTシャツ
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【新品・未使用】クラランス クレーム マスヴェルト 200ml
¥ 4602
danelectro/free speech DTB-1
¥ 5070
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¥ 2730
354 入札履歴